Posted: Apr 29, 2005 By: Dan Thayer

Subject: Support the FairTax!

Comment: As an individual and a small business owner, I support the FairTax and ask you to choose this solution for the answer to the Federal Tax Reform problem.

The FairTax is exactly what it says, it's fair. As a husband, and a father of 3 children, our family would have saved several thousands of dollars last year alone if the FairTax had been in place. At the same time, the government would have received the same number of tax dollars.

The FairTax is revenue neutral.

As a small business owner, our company of three employees is currently paying the equivalent of a fourth employee’s wages in taxes every month! Under the FairTax our business could actually afford to hire a fourth employee, thus creating more jobs, and still the government would not lose any tax dollars!

In my opinion the FairTax does not have a downside, for me or for any other American, regardless of family size or income level. The pre-bate system of the FairTax keeps those at or below the poverty level from paying too much, if any taxes.

Please look carefully at the FairTax and do not disregard it prematurely. I believe that if you truly consider it, you will find that the FairTax will meet all of the conditions that America needs to continue to be prosperous, from a national all the way down to an individual level.