Posted: Apr 26, 2005 By: B. Maloney

Comment: The current tax system has to be one of the greatest bureaucratic disasters
ever created by mankind. There needs to be a complete dismantling of this
system. It does not need to be and cannot be “tweaked”. It needs to be totally scrapped in favor of a new system. We need a system that doesn’t require the
hiring of “professionals” in order to comply with. The sad thing is, have your
taxes prepared by five different C.P.A.’s and they will likely come up with five
different bottom line figures. There is something grossly wrong about that.
H & R Block even boasts in one of their commercials that they average a $1,500 difference in advantage to the average tax payer when they “rework” a previously
completed tax return. PLEASE, do something about this now! This type of system needs to be put in our past right away.

I am in favor of the proposed “fair tax” system that is proposed in HR 25. I request that you do everything in your power to see that this bill passes.

B. Maloney
Miami, Florida