Posted: Apr 26, 2005 By: Mike Sudz

Comment: Dear Sir or Madam:

I would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to choose
the "Fair Tax" program as the recommended tax reform. It is fair to all and
will cause long term prosperity for our Country which it is sorely in need
of. For a Nation founded on tax revolt we have gone full circle and
returned to egregious taxation. Far exceeding anything imagined. The Fair
tax will bring manufacturing back to our country. It will solve many of the
current funding issues with Social Security and our budget while at the same
time putting back in place our lost freedoms enumerated in the constitution.
The savings in closing the onerous IRS alone would be worth it.

In closing please consider your places in our history. Just
another committee or history making statesmen/women. It really is an
amazing opportunity. There is abundant information available to you on the
Fair Tax website and the bills that are currently on the hill.

Thank you for your efforts, please choose the "Fair Tax plan."


Michael R. Sudz