Posted: May 02, 2005 By: Tom Goldie

Subject: FairTax

Comment: Gentlemen:

It seeemed to me as I listened to Misters Greenspan and Baker, their lips moved, but all they said was "FairTax, FairTax, FairTax." I am sure you are all aware of the benefits of such a tax, and know of the progressive nature of the FairTax in particular. However, I am not sure that you are considering the lessons of taxation at a local level.

School districts are a good example of what happens when people see the cost of their ideas on their bills. You could give the schools millions (indeed, the Congress already has!!) and not see a whit of improvement, but when the local people get to see that line on their property taxes, they lose their impulses of fiscal irresponsibility in a hurry. The same will hold true for the FairTax.

While Congress currently taxes "the rich" to appease "the poor", the taxes show up in higher rents, prices, and fees that WE ALL end up paying -- more or less fairly. But with a tax that shows up on the bottom of every receipt, WE ALL will become MUCH MORE interested in how that money is spent and if we are getting our money's worth.

I know that schools don't have a problem getting money when they TRULY NEED it, and the people understand what it is to be used for, and I KNOW that the American people will pony up the money for the necessities and start to look much more closely at what is being spent. Call it "involved citizenship".

It is time to make quit letting Americans think SOMEONE ELSE is paying for our wonderful government.

It's time for the FairTax.