Posted: Oct 15, 2005 By: Robert SeAle

Subject: Taxing health coverage

Comment: Many people struggle to afford health care as it is. Why tax this important cost, further increasing the burden. This is moving health care in the wrong direction. Health care should be more affordable- not more expensive. I have a great idea. Why doesn't President Bush take aim at all the WASTE in government. Politicans spend money like it grows on trees! If they spent it like it was there ouw money, there would not be so much waste. This is MY money. I pay taxes, don't spend like fools, and we could lower all taxes. As an aside- Please take a long hard look at a Federal Flat Tax to simplify the tax code. What, too many special interests concerned for that option to be on the table. I'm not suprised. Thanks for providing this platform to speak.