Posted: Jun 16, 2005 By: John Zimmerschied

Subject: Oppose

Comment: I notice a great majority of the comments in the list here are organized responses from proponents of the "Fair Tax". Many others promote a national sales tax. I oppose both because they are obvious attempts to releave the wealthiest people of much of their tax burden and dump it on the middle class. They go so far as to exempt perhaps 50% of the lower income groups to buy their votes. EVERYONE should pay some tax. They make claims of eliminating the IRS, but that can never be done, just the name may change. They claim it is fair to the middle class, but if the poor pay nothing at all and the wealthy pay much less than now, who do you suppose takes up the slack?
They claim the flat tax or sales tax are progressive, but to do so they retain the contamination of exemptions, credits, and deductions and we are back to the mess we have now.
The solution I see is a smoothly- graduated income tax with no deductions at all, no tax credits at all, no exemptions at all, therefore a very simple to calculate tax. But this should be accompanied by a smoothly-graduated luxury tax, since it seems a crime not to tax the purchase of a Rolex watch or a BMW car or a luxury yacht. It should also be accompanied by tariffs on imports from all countries. And it should be accompanied by a carbon tax on all uses of carbon-based fuels.