Posted: Apr 28, 2005 By: james e knight

Subject: Fair Tax

Comment: I am a retired lawyer who specalized in taxes. There is no doubt in my thinking that the only way to overcome the animus of the current income tax system is the Fair Tax []. When a citizen is unable to rely upon the government employee who assists him in preparation of a tax return, the time has arrived to change the overly complex system. I am willing to wager no one on the committee prepares their personal tax return 1040.

This year, it took me over 110 hours to do my 1040. The reason: rules about disaster reporting resulting from the two hurricanes which nearly destroyed my home. And, after all that time, I obtained no relief for personal property lost.

The current system is too complex, too cumbersome, too slanted toward special interests. It is patently unfair in its application. It will lead to a revolt by taxpayers.