Posted: Oct 13, 2005 By: Don Ballantyne

Subject: Recommendations

Comment: It appears from the articles in the newspaper that the Advisory Panel has made the wrong decision. I am extremely disappointed and astounded that you could have come to such a conclusion.

Any type of Income Tax is evil and does not belong in a free society. Evidently you don’t understand the difference between liberty and degrees of enslavement. The wimpy tweaking of the oppressive Income Tax is typical of those who want to continue the tyranny that Americans have been living under since 1913. You have failed the ideals of America and the American people.

This is a harsh letter. However, your actions call for a harsh response. To give you an idea of the enormity of your decision remember how small a tax caused the Boston Tea Party and lead to the Revolutionary War to win our freedom from Tyranny.

I ask you to reconsider your tyranny and GET RID OF THE INCOME TAX!