Posted: Jun 03, 2005 By: Paul Haas

Subject: Suggestions

Comment: I am a retired engineering manager who does individual income taxes during "the season". A huge simplification is needed! Put me out of business, please. Eliminate the AMT. Eliminate itemized deductions completely. Eliminate tax credits completely. Although I favor a flat tax, some form of standard deduction and a slowly graduated (& lower) rate structure is probably more saleable. The EIC is the most abused part of the current code! True it rewards people for starting to earn but in their eyes it punishises them when they begin to approach a livable earnings level. Eliminate the tax on Social Security and the earnings penalty for those below "normal retirement age". Slowly keep increasing the "normal retirement age" and slowly eliminate the option of taking SS prior to "normal retirement age". Your recommendations will be watered down by Congress so don't be bashful about recommending bold changes that you believe in!