Posted: Oct 12, 2005 By: Donald L. Norris

Subject: Report Due in November

Comment: I notice the committe's report on tax revision is due to the President in November and have read the initial recommendations.

First, I am intensely grateful that President Bush set up the panel. Our present tax system and the continued spending mentality of ALL of our elected leaders is converting this great nation from one that is a shinning light for all to a third world debtor nation.

Your initial recomendations do nothing to halt this fall from grace.

The only way we can preserve our nation for our children is to eliminate the current tax system. While the committe did attempt a feeble effort in this direction regarding home mortage deductions, you did not go far enough.

Eliminate all deductions. In fact eliminate all income taxes. The state governments of Texas, Tennessee, and Florida have done so and their governments work will.

It is extremely simple: FAIR TAX

This is an idea and method of funding federal spending that is past due.

The Fair Tax is good for individuals of all incomes, good for business, and good for our county.

PLEASE: Reconsider the Fair Tax proposal currently outlined in HR25.

We are running out of time to preserve our way of life for our children and action must be taken now.

Fair Tax is the very simple answer.

Thanks You.