Posted: Oct 19, 2005 By: Philip M. Bernhardt

Subject: Shortfall in Tax Reform Recommendations

Comment: Your panel has heard and should be aware of the benefit of a national consumer tax (Fair Tax) vs. the income tax. I will not add to that subject. However, I have heard as recently as today that this panel will make only minor recommendations such as changing some deduction rates, complicating the current taxation laws with additional rates, and doing away with the never should have been enacted AMT.

If all this panel does is recommend minor changes to the tax code while retaining the IRS, the current distributive income tax system that punishes achievement, and supports only minor changes, then your time spent traveling around the country has been a total waste.

Reform must be more than putting a new paint job on a Yugo and calling it a Corvette. Scrap the current tax code designed to favor groups, delete the IRS, and recommend instituting the "Fair Tax" as put forward in HB 25.

Thank you.