Science Commission Members
Standing (L to R): Drs. Warren Wagner, Peter Raven, Robert Kirshner, Simon Levin, Jeremy Jackson, Beryl Simpson, Stephen Hubbell, Candy Feller, William Fitzhugh, Douglas Erwin, Peter Crane
Seated (L to R): Drs. Marvalee Wake, Yolanda Moses, Jeremy Sabloff, James Baker, Alice Alldredge, Bruce Campbell
(missing from photo--Dr. Francisco Ayala)Report of The Smithsonian Institution Science Commission
Released: January 7, 2003.
Full Report w/ Appendices 1.7 MB 133 pages Report Only 944 KB ![]()
74 pages Appendices Only 723 KB ![]()
59 pages The Creation of the Science Commission
On May 7, 2001, the Regents passed the following resolution:
VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the adoption of a new strategic direction for Smithsonian science creating centers of research excellence reflecting among other things enhanced focus, greater collaboration within and without the Institution, and increased opportunities for gathering and marshaling greater resources to advance the Institution’s scientific research activities. The Board of Regents further approves the Secretary’s recommendation to establish a Science Commission to advise the Secretary and the Board of Regents on the design of the full range of elements to be addressed.
- The Charge to the Science Commission
For 155 years, the Smithsonian Institution has had as its mission "the increase and diffusion of knowledge." Given the important questions facing the scientific world today, the existing level of institutional financial and physical resources, the strengths of the Institution's people and its collections, how should the Smithsonian set priorities for scientific research in the years ahead and, in general, carry out its historic mission more effectively?
- How should scientific research be organized to optimize the use of the Institution's human, physical and financial resources?
- How should the performance of scientific research by individuals and research departments be evaluated?
- How can the relationship between research and public programming be enhanced?
- What suggestions, of any type might the Science Commission have to strengthen research at the Smithsonian?
- What should be the qualifications of those chosen to lead key scientific research units of the Smithsonian?
- What should be done to enhance public recognition of Smithsonian science?
The Commission's findings will be submitted to the Regents for their consideration.
Science Commission Members: