A Brief History of Vice President Al Gore�s
National Partnership for Reinventing Government
During the Administration of President Bill Clinton
The National Partnership for Reinventing Government (NPR), originally the
National Performance Review, was the Clinton-Gore Administration's
interagency task force to reform and streamline the way the federal
government works. It was the eleventh federal reform effort in the twentieth
century. In creating NPR on March 3, 1993, President Clinton said: “Our
goal is to make the entire federal government less expensive and more
efficient, and to change the culture of our national bureaucracy away from
complacency and entitlement toward initiative and empowerment.” 1
Based on the President�s challenge, Vice President Gore set out to create a
government that “works better, costs less, and gets results Americans care
about.” The President asked the Vice President to report on the findings of
this National Performance Review within six months. Vice President Gore,
however, went far beyond preparing a report and led an effort that evolved
into the longest-running and most successful reform effort in U.S. history to
date. After the initial report, the NPR team undertook the implementation of
the many recommendations, then conducted a second round of reviews in
1995. In the second Clinton-Gore term, NPR changed its mission, approach
� and name -- to focus on leading a fundamental culture change in the
From Red Tape to Results: Creating a Government
That Works Better and Costs Less -- 1993
Implementing the Original Set of Recommendations -- 1994
Phase II of the Performance Review: Creating a Common Sense
Government -- 1995
Governing in a Balanced Budget World: A New Challenge -- 1996
Reinvention in the Second Clinton-Gore Administration:
Changing The Culture of Government Agencies -- 1997-2001
Did NPR Make a Difference?
A -- List of NPR Reports and Publications
B -- List of NPR Presidential Directives Signed Between September 1993
and December 2000
C -- List of Laws Signed by President Clinton Containing NPR
Recommended Actions, 1993-2000
D � List of Reinvention Websites
E -- List of High Impact Agencies
F � NPR Accomplishments, 1993-2000
Prepared by John Kamensky
January 12, 2001