



Let Them Eat Cake -- Ordinary Cake, That Is

No wonder the Pentagon's recipe for fruitcake wasn't classified; no baker in his or her right mind would have wanted to steal it. After all, it filled more than 14 pages of small print with petty, Kafka-esque, and often impossible requirements. (Talk about taking the fun out of dessert!) The recipe even included a test for chemically analyzing the "soluble solids" in the finished product. (Despite its thoroughness, however, the recipe failed to tell where one could obtain the necessary
testing tool: a "refractometer".)

Aside from some jesting newspaper articles, the Pentagon's baking specifications remained unchallenged until a Pentagon employee complained about them during an August 1993 town hall meeting lead by Vice President Al Gore. The complaint inspired Jeff Jones, a Pentagon official, to suggest an alternative approach that, though novel to the Defense Department, has long remained popular in homes across America: TASTE the cake! If you like it, great. If not, get another cake mix.

Jones' approach apparently struck a chord with the Pentagon, which scrapped the military specifications for mess hall food.






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