Internal Revenue Service


Internal Revenue Service

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Internal Revenue Service is to collect the proper amount of tax revenue at the least cost; serve the public by continually improving the quality of our products and services; and perform in a manner warranting the highest degree of public confidence in our integrity, efficiency and fairness.


We are proud to present the Internal Revenue Service's Strategic Business Plan for the period through FY 1997. It sets forth our long range goals, the strategies we are pursuing to reach those goals, and the milestones we must achieve along the way.

We have a unique opportunity during the 1990s to transform our tax administration system -- generate substantial additional revenue by maximizing voluntary compliance and reducing noncompliance, while minimizing the burden on taxpayers and costs to the government.

We can better serve our citizens by giving them a more modern and simpler system of tax administration. Our efforts will make it easier for taxpayers to understand and comply with the tax laws. We believe this will increase the number of people who can and will voluntarily meet their tax obligations. We will work cooperatively with the vast majority of taxpayers who try to do what's right, and we will focus our enforcement efforts on those few taxpayers who choose to disregard the law and avoid paying their fair share.

We must follow the road map provided by our plan, and meet the goals it lays out for a broad range of IRS activities to achieve the level of excellence demanded by our Mission Statement.

Our Strategic Business Plan is highly structured. While the heart of the Plan is our Mission Statement, its foundation is The Six Objectives which encompass the entire range of IRS programs and set forth the broad goals we need to accomplish. These Objectives are to:

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