

Staff-Level Inter-Agency Groups
OPM GPRA Interest Group Loretta Reeves, OPM, 202-606-2419; fax 202-606-2394; Monthly, usually 2nd Monday, 9 am-Noon, Conf Rm #1350, OPM, 1900 E St., NW 7/12
Operating since 9/94. Roster of 475 in 70 agencies; attendance 80-100. July topic: Revising Strategic Plans with OMB, Hill, 9 agencies. Sept. topic: GAO Capping Report on FY2000 Performance Plans
Inter-Agency Regulatory Reinvention Forum Audrey Borja, FDA, 301-827-0946; fax 301-827-0963; Monthly, usually 9am-Noon at various sites. July meeting CPSC, Rooms 410 B/c (4th Floor), 4330 East West Highway, Bethesda. Sept. meeting at HHS 7/22
Sponsors: FDA & EPA; Roster of 80 in 16 agencies; attendance 40-60. July: GAO Study on Best Practices Performance Management with GAO plus Best Practices Reinvention at USDA Grain Inspection, Packers & Stockyards Admin.
Natural Resources Performance Management Forum Carl Zulick, BLM, 202-452-5158; fax 202-452-5171; Monthly, usually 3rd Monday, 9:00-11:30, BLM, 3rd FL Conf Rm, 1620 L St., NW. 7/19 Sponsor: DOI/ BLM. Roster of 60 in 21 agencies; attendance 30-40. Continued working on Crosscutting Issue of Clean Water goals, objectives & measures
PCIE OIG GPRA Coordinators Interest Group Cindy Saboe, State/OIG, 703-284-1825 Monthly, usually 1st Tuesday, 10am-Noon, 8th Floor Conf Rm, 1700 N. Moore St., Rosslyn (Rosslyn Metro Building) No July Sponsor: State, OIG. Roster of 80 from 25 agencies; attendance 30-35. Next topic: View from the Hill.
Research Roundtable Dave Rust, USDA/ARS & Ed Brown, DOD/ARL. Monthly, usually 3rd Tuesday, 9am-Noon, Parklawn Bldg., 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville. TBA Sponsor was HHS. Operated 1995-98. Roster of 200 in 42 agencies; attendance 20-50. Group currently dormant.
Joint PCIE/CFOC (IGs/CFOs) Dialogue Series Chair: SteveGerard Fahy, DOEd, 202-205-5428 Bi-monthly, usually 8:30-11:30am, NASA Auditorium, 4th & E Sts., SW 5/19 Sponsors: PCIE & CFOC
NAPA Performance Consortium Call Chris Wye, NAPA, 202-682-4010 for information about joining Bi-Monthly 2-day workshops & bi-monthly lunch meetings at 800 N. Capitol St. Meetings open only to member agencies.May topic: Executive and Legislative Expectations for Performance Reports 5/3 Sponsor: NAPA. Roster of 4 to 5 persons from approximately 30 participating agencies/offices
Federal Credit Policy Working Group Tom Stack, OMB, 202-395-1457; fax 202-395-6889; e-mail: Bi-monthly, 3rd Thursday, 10-11:30 am, White House Conference Center 5/20 Sponsor: OMB. Roster of 24 in 12 agencies; attendance 35. Working on measures for outcomes
Oversight Process Improvement Network (Inspectors General Offices) Richard Rasa, 202-205-9640; fax 205-8238; To attend call Annette Wallace or Tauhidah Omar, 202-205-8200 Monthly, usually 8:30-10am, rm 4409, Switzer Bldg, DOEd, 330 C St., SW TBA Sponsor: Education, IG Office. 12 agencies represented; average attendance 15
Performance Measurement Assessment Tool (PMAT) Coordinating Council Stephen Willett, Commerce, 202-482-5781; fax 202-482-1711; e-mail: Monthly; day varies; Commerce Department site TBA Sponsor: Commerce. Roster of 20 procurement specialists in 12 agencies; attendance 15-20. Website:
Inter-Agency Benchmarking & Best Practices Council Chair Jay Cavanagh, DOE, 202-426-0029; Web site: Annual member meeting at White House Conference Center; annual conference at Natcher Center, Bethesda TBA Sponsor: NPR. Roster of 150 from 40 agencies.
Small Agency Council Ann Campion, 202-842-6223 Monthly, 10am-Noon at various small agency sites TBA Council formed before GPRA but has some GPRA discussions and presentations
President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency Information Technology Roundtable Call 703-604-8941 or visit the IGNet at Monthly, 3rd Thursday, 8:30-11:30am, NASA Auditorium, 4th & E Sts., SW TBA Sponsor: PCIE
ASPA-CAP/GAO/GWU Luncheon Series on Performance Measurement and Evaluation Kathy Newcomer, GWU, 202-994-3959 Monthly Meeting, usually Noon-1:30pm, Marvin Center 402, GWU. GAO/GGD. July. topic: TBA July Sponsors: Center for Accountability and Performance of American Society for Public Administration, the U.S. General Accounting Office, and the Public Administration Department, George Washington University
Department-Wide Inter-Agency Staff-Level Groups
Treasury Planning Executives Forum John Murphy, Director, Strategic Planning Office, 202-622-2228; fax 202-622-2549; Monthly, 9:30-11:30 day varies, usually 740 15th St., NW, Suite 400. July Sponsor: Office of Strategic Planning. Roster of 12 Bureaus and 7 Functional Offices; attendance 30-40.
USDA GPRA Coordinators Group Pat Wensel, 202-720-1175; fax 202-690-3561; e-mail: Monthly, usually 2nd Wednesday; meets at USDA, 2:00-3:30pm. 7/14 Sponsor: CFO's Office. 70 GPRA Coordinators; average attendance 20. July to discuss performance reporting
HHS GPRA Working Group Frank Burns, 202-690-6100; fax 202-690-6896; frank burns@asmb.budg@os.dc As needed. TBA Sponsor: Office of Assistant Secretary - Finance. Roster of 175 representing all 13 Operating Divisions; attendance 40-50
High Level Inter-Department/Agency Groups
President's Management Council Chairperson: Dep. Director, Management, OMB      
National Partnership Council Chairperson: Director, OPM      
President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency Task Force on Performance Jenny Van Wheeler, DHHS/OIG, 202-619-3081     website:
Chief Financial Officers Council Chairperson: Dep. Director, Management, OMB Has approximately 12 standing committees: GPRA, Human Resources, Legislation to name a few. Meets GSA Training Facility, 490 L'Enfant Plaza, SW   Home page:
CFO Council, GPRA Implementation Committee Chair: Steven App, Treasury. Contact: Rita McPheeters, 202-622-0021; fax 202-622-0595; Monthly, Rm. 1104, Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, usually 2-3:30pm.   Roster of 40 in 15 agencies; attendance 30. Home page:
Chief Information Officers Council Chair: Dep. Director, Management, OMB Contact: Sherry Cage, Commerce, 202-482-5482 Monthly, 3rd Wednesday. Committees: Capital Planning & Investment, Education & Training, Interoperability, Outreach, Strategic Planning, and Year 2000   Home page:
Budget Officers Advisory Committee Exec. Sec.: Ed Rae, OMB Monthly on progress of the budget July Sponsor: OMB. No web site.
Human Resource Development Council Contact John Zottoli, OPM/HRD, 202-606-2855     Sponsor: OPM
President's Council for Sustainable Development Inter-Agency Group on Indicators for Sustainable Development Contact Dave Berry or Ted Heintz of Department of the Interior      

Prepared by Carl J. Metzger, Director, Government Results Information Center, MRJ Technology Solutions, 10560 Arrowhead Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030-7305; Phone: 703-277-1338; Fax 703-277-1472; E-mail:

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