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Food and Drug Administration Reinvention Goal:

Stronger Food Quality Assurance

Status Report: August 2000

Initial Goal Statement: (December, 1997)

By the year 2000, assure improved quality of the American food supply, through a collaborative system encompassing government and private sector stakeholders.* In the seafood industry, two-thirds of the processors will be operating under HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) quality control systems. HACCP is a newly instituted, industry-based monitoring system, and represents one element in the President's multi-strategy Food Safety Initiative. FDA will be working closely with USDA, EPA and the Center for Disease Control to implement this initiative.

Current Goal Statement:

By the end of FY 2000, assure improved quality of the American food supply, through a collaborative system encompassing government and private sector stakeholders.* Eighty percent of the domestic seafood industry will be operating a system of preventive controls for safety as evidenced by functioning HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) plans. HACCP is a newly instituted, industry-based monitoring system, and represents one element in the President's multi-strategy Food Safety Initiative. FDA will be working closely with USDA, EPA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to implement this initiative.

* Assumes funding of the Food Safety Initiative through 2000.

Date of Revision:

The FY 2000 Performance Plan for Food Safety, revised in May 1998

Forecast Completion Date:

There will be an ongoing need to conduct inspections to ensure that the seafood industry maintains effective HACCP quality control systems.


Location in FY 1999 Strategic Plan:

HHS Objective 5.2: Ensure food and drug safety by increasing the effectiveness of science-based regulation.

Location in FY 1999 Performance Plan:

Goal Statement: By 12/30/99 50 percent of the seafood industry will be operating preventive controls for safety as evidenced by functioning appropriate HACCP systems.

Location in FY 2000 Performance Plan:

Goal Statement: Eighty percent of the domestic seafood industry will be operating preventive controls for safety as evidenced by functioning Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems. (Page 39)

FDA/Office of Planning
Web page updated by CB 2001-FEB-15.

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