

N G I S C Chicago Meeting, May 20, 1998



CHAIRMAN JAMES: Now, I'd like to introduce our speakers for our first panel on riverboat casinos regulation and regional competition. I'd like to point out for the benefit of our audience that each speaker will have 15 minutes to give a brief presentation. I would remind our speakers to please pay attention to our timer over here. At the end of your 15 minute period, when the stop sign goes up, I will at that time ask you to summarize and submit the remainder of your testimony in writing. It's important to do that because we want to make sure that we have the opportunity to hear from everyone, and the most important time for us as Commissioners is the opportunity to interact with you and have the opportunity to do questions and answers, though I don't want to take away from that time at all.

When we get to our question and answer portion, I would encourage our panelists as well to engage in dialogue and discussion. As with our previous Commission meetings, we encourage full and open debate and discussion, and I'd like to remind our panelists as well that we're operating under supplemental rules of the Commission and that testimony given before the Commission shall be considered to be under oath.

We have this morning with us the Honorable Earline Rogers who joins us from the Indiana State Senate; the Honorable William Witt is a member of the Iowa House of Representatives; Mr. Michael Belletire who is the administrator of the Illinois Gaming Board; and the Rev. Tom Grey of the National Coalition Against Legalized Gambling.

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