


CHAIRPERSON JAMES: I will consider that request. Thank you.

Any other business to come before the Commission?

Ladies and gentlemen -- and I'm going to address the public as well, so I can say ladies -- I think that we have accomplished a great bit today.

As I have said to the Commission, individually, I think that we have a tremendous responsibility not only to do the work of the Commission, but to also demonstrate what it looks like when a group of individuals come together with strongly held convictions, differing in many occasions, and model good government.

And I am delighted with how things have proceeded today. I think you have seen good government at work. We have just begun the process, in terms of getting through some of the administrative issues. We will settle down next time into getting into some of the more substantive areas and outlining the actual workplan.

My commitment to the Commissioners is that, once again, I will do my best to try to get that information to you. I make a commitment to get that information to you in a timely way, so that you have the opportunity to review it, so that we can have some substantive discussions when we get back together.

And I do want to, again, commend you and thank you for the quality of the discussion and of the time that you put in, and for the important work that we have begun today.

Thank you very much. The meeting is adjourned.

(Whereupon, at 2:13 p.m., the meeting was adjourned.)

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