Indicator Search

Select any one of the 34 indicators listed below to view each state's progress.

Ind. Description
1 Has the percentage of infants born in the state with 1 or more of 4 health risks decreased? (1990 vs. 1997)
2 Has the percentage of fully immunized 2-year-olds increased? (1994 vs. 1997)
3 Has the percentage of infants born at low birthweight decreased? (1990 vs. 1997)
4 Has the percentage of mothers receiving early prenatal care increased? (1990 vs. 1997)
5 Has the number of children with disabilities in preschool (per 1,000 3- to 5-year-olds) increased? (1991 vs. 1998)
6 Has the high school completion rate increased? (1990 vs. 1997)
7 Has the high school dropout rate decreased? (1992 vs. 1997)
8 (a) Has reading achievement improved in Grade 4? (1992 vs. 1998)
8 (b) Has reading achievement improved in Grade 8? (1998)
9 Has writing achievement improved in Grade 8? (1998)
10 (a) Has mathematics achievement improved in Grade 4? (1992 vs. 1996)
10 (b) Has mathematics achievement improved in Grade 8? (1990 vs. 1996)
11 Has science achievement improved in Grade 8? (1996)
12 Has the number of Advanced Placement examinations receiving a grade of 3 or higher (per 1,000 11th and 12th graders) increased? (1991 vs. 1999)
13 (a) Has the percentage of public secondary school teachers who hold a degree in their main teaching assignment increased? (1991 vs. 1994)
13 (b) Has the percentage of public secondary school teachers who hold a teaching certificate in their main teaching assignment increased (1991 vs. 1994)
14 Has the percentage of public school teachers participating in professional development programs on 1 or more selected topics increased? (1994)
15 Has the percentage of public school teachers with training to teach limited English proficient students increased? (1994)
16 Has the percentage of public school teachers participating in formal teacher induction programs during their first year of teaching increased? (1991 vs. 1994)
17 (a) Has the state's international standing improved in Grade 8 mathematics achievement? (1996)
17 (b) Has the state's international standing improved in Grade 8 science achievement? (1996)
18 (a) Has the percentage of public school 8th graders whose mathematics teachers report that they have students work in small groups or with a partner increased? (1996)
18 (b) Has the percentage of public school 8th graders whose mathematics teachers report that they address algebra and functions increased? (1996)
18 (c) Has the percentage of public school 8th graders whose mathematics teachers report that they address reasoning and analytical ability increased? (1996)
19 Has the percentage of public school 8th graders who have computers available in their mathematics classrooms increased? (1996)
20 (a) Has the percentage of degrees awarded in mathematics and science to all students increased? (1996)
20 (b) Has the percentage of degrees awarded in mathematics and science to minority (Black, Hispanic, American Indian/Alaskan Native) students increased? (1991 vs. 1996)
20 (c) Has the percentage of degrees awarded in mathematics and science to female students increased? (1991 vs. 1996)
21 Has the percentage of adults scoring at the 3 highest levels in prose literacy increased? (1992)
22 (a) Has the percentage of U.S. citizens who report that they registered to vote increased? (1988 vs. 1996)
22 (b) Has the percentage of U.S. citizens who report that they voted increased? (1988 vs. 1996)
23 Has postsecondary enrollment increased? (1992 vs. 1996)
24 Has student marijuana use decreased? (1991 vs. 1997)
25 Has student alcohol use (5 or more drinks in a row) decreased? (1991 vs. 1997)
26 Has the availability of drugs on school property decreased? (1993 vs. 1997)
27 Has the percentage of students threatened or injured with a weapon while on school property decreased? (1993 vs. 1997)
28 Has the percentage of students involved in physical fights on school property decreased? (1993 vs. 1997)
29 Has the percentage of students carrying weapons on school property decreased? (1993 vs. 1997)
30 Has the percentage of students who do not feel safe at school decreased? (1993 vs. 1997)
31 Has teacher victimization decreased? (1994)
32 Have student disruptions that interfere with teaching decreased? (1991 vs. 1994)
33 (a) Has the percentage of schools with minimal parental involvement decreased, according to public school teachers? (1991 vs. 1994)
33 (b) Has the percentage of schools with minimal parental involvement decreased, according to public school principals? (1991 vs. 1994)
34 Has the influence of parent associations on school policy increased? (1991 vs. 1994)

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