STATEMENTS BY THE PUBLIC MR. RABIN: My name is Norman Carl Rabin from Plainview, Long Island, New York. This public statement by the way is -- DR. SHAPIRO: Hold on a second and see if we can get the sound improved somewhat. It is a little hard to hear. Talk as close as you can to the microphone, please. MR. RABIN: Okay. DR. SHAPIRO: That is better. Thank you. MR. RABIN: I am not experienced with microphones. DR. SHAPIRO: I know it is a little uncomfortable and I apologize but it is easier if you get very close to the microphone. MR. RABIN: Okay. This public statement is accompanied by a 15-page document fax that I sent to the commission last week. My name is Norman Carl Rabin from Plainview, Long Island, New York. I am a victim of illegal nonconsentual U.S. classified research type activity for over 12 years. After innocently reading a mathematics paper as part of employment I was covertly assaulted by U.S. government satellite space assaults in 1986, 1987, 1989 and 1990. Since October-November of 1990 I have literally been held a prisoner of advanced technology, multiple satellites monitor and assault seven days a week, 24 hours a day, even while I sleep. Since January of 1994 I have gone to other victims of this type of crime and I now know of about 35 other victims of monitoring and/or assault of their body. Picture three, or four, or five more stationary research type satellites utilized to monitor and assault and track each such victim 24 hours a day. In all cases each such victim is targeted illegally and without consent by the high technology use of electromagnetic signals to monitor the person's thoughts and/or actions and in many cases to assault the person. Again I have literally been held a prisoner of multiple satellites monitor and assault for over seven years and two months in spite of my complaining about it and massively publicizing this crime. Besides from the murders which the U.S. Government has certainly committed around me and besides from the torture or other cruel and unusual aspects, the worst part of the crime against me is that it is a blatant violation of the U.S. Constitutional Fifth and Fourth Amendment guarantees of liberty and the security of one's person. Moreover, now over the course of 12 years my own life has literally been ripped away at by the lawless, month after month, year after year, with the assistance of the U.S. Government to do this evil crime against me. I was 25 years old. Less than two years and eight months out of college when this crime began. Last month I turned 37 years old. To steal a victim's life for years on end is an evil crime and to steal years and years of a victim's youth is decidedly a worser crime. I know other long-term victims. Victims targeted for ten or more years and I see the wrong -- the evil which is going on. Human beings deserving of human dignity and even in all cases even respect are not to be treated this way. Humans are not to be treated as subjects of machine operations for machine oriented projects of any type. This mangelesque, i.e. a denial of humanness for years or even for months if each of you would think about it for a few moments. The problem with this crime is loophole which evil doing persons have exploited. They are doers of crime under secrecy and censorship. As I have recorded in the following statement in my now public formal June 2, 1997, letter to Senator Glenn on S-193, the proposed Human Research Subjects Protection Act of 1997. " I urge the U.S. Government to support a U.S. law or constitutional amendment which would expressly endow citizens with the right to be protected from crime committed under secrecy and/or censorship. Any monitoring society having secrecy in science and technology needs this law. Please help with this proposal and its passage. "This type of law is a normal and natural step in the progress of civilization. This law should have power to use the public justice to stop crime under secrecy and with other victims to get lawyers who now have a U.S. law to work with. U.S. judges should gain the right of inquiry under seal to any crime under secrecy." In an age of science without this law our country, our United States, is not a free country. Let this commission tell it like it is, our country needs the explicit right to be protected from crime by anyone where that crime is committed under U.S. secrecy and/or U.S. censorship. Thank you. DR. SHAPIRO: Thank you very much. Any questions any members of the commission have? Thank you and thank you very much for taking the time to come and thank you for your written testimony as well. We will adjourn now for lunch and ask you all to please be back here by 1:00 o'clock, not 1:05 but 1:00 o'clock. (Whereupon, at 12:01 p.m. the proceedings were recessed for luncheon.) * * * * * A F T E R N O O N S E S S I O N DR. SHAPIRO: I think we should begin now. We will have no chance of completing our schedule if we do not begin now. As you know, although the first priority of our work is to continue and finish the projects that are currently under way, we have begun thinking about our longer term agenda and I asked Eric Cassell to speak with a couple of committee members to give some thought to what items might appear on our longer term agenda so at least we can begin thinking about them and thinking about mobilizing ourselves for them. I will also be speaking in the next four to six weeks with various members of the administration and the Congress to see what is on their minds that might -- that NBAC might do that might be useful for them and will feed that into our own considerations also. So this is not an item that needs to be decided today. That is we are not about to take any decisions. This is just the beginning of the discussion which will probably occupy some time in all our meetings in the next two or three meetings until we can focus down on some things we want to do and some ways we may wish to organize ourselves. So let me turn now to Eric and let him describe to you at least what the initial considerations were of the members of the small group which he met with. I think you had a telephone conference if I recall.