Recommend improvements to enable adults with
serious mental illnesses and children with serious emotional
disturbances to live, work, learn, and participate fully in their
- Review the current quality and effectiveness of public and private
providers and Federal, State, and local government involvement in
the delivery of services to individuals with serious mental
illnesses and children with serious emotional disturbances, and
identify unmet needs and barriers to services.
- Identify innovative mental health treatments, services, and
technologies that are demonstratively effective and can be widely
replicated in different settings.
- Formulate policy options that could be implemented by public and
private providers and Federal, State, and local governments to
integrate the use of effective treatments and services, improve
coordination among service providers, and improve community
integration for adults with serious mental illnesses and children
with serious emotional disturbances.
The Commission shall
- Focus on the desired outcomes of mental health care, which are to
attain each individual's maximum level of employment, self-care,
interpersonal relationships, and community participation.
- Focus on community-level models of care that efficiently
coordinate the multiple health and human service providers and
public and private payers involved in mental health treatment and
delivery of services.
- Focus on those policies that maximize the utility of existing
resources by increasing cost effectiveness and reducing unnecessary
and burdensome regulatory barriers.
- Consider how mental health research findings can be used most
effectively to influence the delivery of services.
- Follow the principles of Federalism, and ensure that its
recommendations promote innovation, flexibility, and accountability
at all levels of government and respect the constitutional role of