
New Jersey State Drought Programs

Program Title: New Jersey Drought Emergency Plan

Function: Response

Program Assistance or Functional Assistance: The Governor is authorized to proclaim by executive order, a state of water emergency and may limit the applicability of any state of emergency to specific categories of water supplies or to specific areas of the State in which a shortage exists or impends. The Governor is further authorized to designate another to take command of the water emergency and may delegate all powers he deems necessary.

Statute or Authority: Water Supply Management Act, N.J.S.A. 58:1A-1 et seq.

Agencies (primary agency listed first): Dept of Agriculture, Dept. of Commerce, Dept. of Community Affairs, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Health, Dept. of Labor, and others

Customers Served: Entire state of NJ

Triggering Event or Circumstance-How does this program relate to drought? No data

Unmet Needs at federal, state, local and tribal levels. Includes changes from customer or "provider" perspective: No data

Program Limitations: No data

Contact Name and Phone Number: Judith A. Yaskin,
Commissioner Dept. of Environmental Protection