
Nebraska State Drought Programs

Program Title: Disaster Consequence Management

Function: Response

Program Assistance or Functional Assistance: Coordination of state emergency response to protect public health and safety, restore essential government services and provide emergency relief to governments, businesses and individuals affected by the consequences of a disaster.

Statute or Authority: Nebraska Emergency Management Act, Reissue Revised statutes of Nebraska, Section 81-829.36 to 81-829.75.

Agencies (primary agency listed first): Nebraska Emergency Management Agency

Customers Served: Local government and citizens

Triggering Event or Circumstance-How does this program relate to drought? Governor's State of Emergency Proclamation

Unmet Needs at federal, state, local and tribal levels. Includes changes from customer or "provider" perspective: Response limited to availability of state resources

Program Limitations: Activities limited to response to declared disasters

Contact Name and Phone Number: Larry E. Nedrow, Operations Officer
(402) 471-7421