
Hawaii State Drought Programs

Program Title: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

Function: Mitigation

Program Assistance or Functional Assistance: Cost-effective projects which will substantially reduce the risk of future damage, hardship, loss, or suffering in any area affected by a major disaster. The total contributions shall not exceed 15 percent of the estimated aggregate amount of grants to be made with respect to a major disaster.

Statute or Authority: Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 26 and 128, authorize the State Department of Defense, State Civil Defense, to provide disaster relief to its citizens including the implementa-tion of Federal disaster relief programs; HMGP is authorized by Section 404 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended, P.L. 93-288.

Agencies (primary agency listed first): Civil Defense Division

Customers Served: State agencies, county governments, and private nonprofit organizations.

Triggering Event or Circumstance-How does this program relate to drought? Federally declared disaster

Unmet Needs at federal, state, local and tribal levels. Includes changes from customer or "provider" perspective: More execution authority for the states

Program Limitations: Cost share is required.

Contact Name and Phone Number: Roy C. Price, Sr.,
(808) 799-4300

Hawaii State Drought Programs

Program Title: Emergency Management Performance Grant

Function: Mitigation, Planning

Program Assistance or Functional Assistance: Formula grants to develop or expand disaster preparedness and mitigation assistance plans, programs, capabilities and organizations.

Statute or Authority: Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 26 and 128, authorize the State Department of Defense to provide disaster relief to the citizens of the State including the implementa-tion of Federal disaster relief programs. State and Local Assis-tance (SLA) is authorized in Sections 201 and 513 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Relief Assis-tance Act, as amended, P.L. 93-228.

Agencies (primary agency listed first): Civil Defense Division

Customers Served: State agencies and county governments

Triggering Event or Circumstance-How does this program relate to drought? Annual cooperative agreement

Unmet Needs at federal, state, local and tribal levels. Includes changes from customer or "provider" perspective: More flexibility such as authorization of equipment purchase

Program Limitations: Funds are limited and based on cost share.

Contact Name and Phone Number: Roy C. Price, Sr.,
(808) 799-4300