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سلطة الائتلاف المؤقتة
Coalition Provisional Authority
South-Central Region
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Al-Najaf Province


Description of Province


Al-Najaf is the capitol of the city and the province as well.  The word "Najaf" is a combination of two Arabic words.  "Nay" is the name of a large river that used to exist, and "Jaf" means dry in English.  Najaf means "dry river."  Najaf is 161 km south of Baghdad.  The Shrine of "Imam Ali" is located in Najaf. Imam Ali is the fourth caliph (Ruler) of Muslims after the prophet Muhammad. The Shrine is named for Imam Ali, who was the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad.  It is a very important shrine for the Shi'aa.  All people in this province are Shi'aa.




UN Data 2003
Towns in Al-Najaf Province Population
Najaf Center 521,993
Al-Koufa Center 275,370
Al-Qadissia 132,632
Total 929,995


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