(Dialogue with the American People - Figure 5 data in tabular format)

Figure 5:
Should some people be responsible for paying more than others?

Percent Saying “Yes”:
Less than 60%
70% or More
Indianapolis (58%)
Sacramento (43%)
Orlando (64%)
Baton Rouge (60%)
Memphis (66%)
Jackson (60%)
Denver (66%)
Miami (63%)
Phoenix (65%)
Tucson (61%)
Kansas City (72%)
Charlotte (72%)
Seattle (77%)
Providence (79%)
Detroit (81%)
Des Moines (73%)
Philadelphia (83%)
Billings (76%)
Salt Lake City (80%)

Note: This question was asked only in the above cities. In most meetings where this question was asked, participants were also asked which criteria should be used. In some meetings, however, only the question about criteria was asked. See the next question below.