Sixth public hearing of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks
Upon the United States
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
(also known as the 9-11 Commission) held its sixth public hearing
on December 8, 2003 on Capitol Hill. The one-day hearing focused
on "Security and Liberty."
The Commission heard testimony from four panels of witnesses on
domestic intelligence collection, protecting privacy while preventing
terrorism, and the use of immigration laws to combat terrorism.
Among the twelve witnesses testifying was former Attorney General
William Barr, former Deputy Attorneys General Larry Thompson and
Philip Heymann, and former Deputy Secretary of Defense John Hamre.
In announcing the hearing, Chair of the 9-11 Commission, Thomas K. Kean said: "The question of how to ensure the safety of the American people while protecting their civil liberties is one that arises whenever our Nation is at war. As we prepare to make recommendations to keep our country safe and free, we want to hear a variety of opinions from people who have studied ways to further both important goals."
"The unprecedented nature of the attacks against our country led to a strong response," said Lee H. Hamilton, the Commission's Vice Chair. "We want to know more about that response, how well current policies are working, and what steps are needed to protect our cherished liberties as well as protect the Nation," Hamilton added.
Hearing Agenda
December 8, 2003 |
"Security and Liberty" |
9:00 AM
Hearing Commences
Opening Statement by Chairman Kean |
9:15 AM
Intelligence Collection within the United States
Larry D. Thompson, Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution, and former Deputy Attorney General of the United States
Philip B. Heymann, Professor of Law, Harvard University, and former Deputy Attorney General of the United States
Stephen J. Schulhofer, Professor of Law, New York University |
10:45 AM
Protecting Privacy, Preventing Terrorism
Judith A. Miller, Partner, Williams & Connolly, and former General Counsel, Department of Defense
Stewart A. Baker, Partner, Steptoe & Johnson, and former General Counsel, National Security Agency
Marc Rotenberg, Executive Director, Electronic Privacy Information Center |
12:15 PM
Break |
1:00 PM
Preventive Detention: Use of Immigration Laws and Enemy Combatant Designations to Combat Terrorism
Jan Ting, Professor of Law, Temple University Beasley School of Law, and former Assistant Commissioner for Refugees, Asylum and Parole, Immigration and Naturalization Service
Khaled Medhat Abou El Fadl, Visiting Professor, Yale Law School, and Professor, Distinguished Fellow in Islamic Law, UCLA School of Law
David Martin, Warner-Booker Distinguished Professor of International Law, University of Virginia Law School, and former General Counsel, Immigration and Naturalization Service |
2:30 PM
Government Organization and Domestic Intelligence
William P. Barr, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Verizon Communications, and former Attorney General of the United States
John J. Hamre, President and Chief Executive Officer, Center for Strategic and International Studies, and former Deputy Secretary of Defense
John MacGaffin, Director, AKE LLC, and former Associate Deputy Director for Operations, Central Intelligence Agency
4:00 PM
Hearing concludes. Press availability to follow.